Illustration Friday ~ Wilderness

Stanley_monkey_robertabaird72Stanley Livingstone was an explorer. He was known to spearhead long expeditions deep into the wilderness of the continent of Africa. His mission… to trace the course of the Congo River. Why… once he battled tsetse flies, tropical disease and deserting porters just to find a prominent missionary and ask him that now famous question.

Yep Stanley was an explorer or was he….  and when the head count in Shady Acres Retirement Center was down by one…. the attendants approached him with orders for his new mission.  “Bully Fredric, I think they’re sending us to Zanzibar again!”


  1. Love that monkey! You are so very good at characterization! I am so impressed!

  2. OOOOH MY GOODNESS!!! The wonderful changes and fabulousness!! I just love what you’ve done. It’s wonderful. Love that finished work from your sketch and this piece is just absolutely wonderful. It’s great! YOU ROCK and I mean it!! YOU REALLY DO!!!

  3. Hee hee, Stanley Livingstone… I presume? Cute story and awesome illo. Very original take on the theme, as is your usual!

  4. WOW!!! super cool and groovy! i love the leather pouches, the map, the cool background and of course the characters. What is that kind of puch like thingy called??? does it have a name? you are most talented girlfriend!

  5. Bella Sinclair

    HAHAHAHA, LOVE those faces! And that’s great coloring on his holster, too. Fantastic!

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