And Away We Go

The second time is the charm! After getting lost in FedEx land, Vista resent my order with a confirmed arrival on the 14th of July!

Happy dance… Squeee!

Send off dance Squeeeeeeee!

Fingers and toes crossed dance squeee…. eeee…..eee!

Time ter clean yer ole room there Matey!

Arrrg…. Do ya be needin a map just ter navigate yer room Matey? Is there a serpent a swimmin in the Sea o’ Dirty Laundry? Aaarrrg… it jes might be time to clean yer room!!

This is actually a piece taken from a dummy book that I’ve been working on for ages. I thought it might make a great promotional piece. I’m pretty pleased with the outcome!

Aaaarrgh! Well me hearties, it’s time for me to weigh anchor and go swab the poop deck!
Fair winds to ye!

Illustration Friday ~ Fearless

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
— Mark Twain

Just thought I’d show a little bit of the process that brought this fearless boy to life!