I heard it from a friend…

Who… heard it from a friend… who…  heard from another you’ve been ____________ (insert phrase here)

Here say Part of Speech: noun
Definition: unsubstantiated information
Synonyms: clothesline, gossip grapevine, mere talk, rumor, scandal, criticism, scuttlebutt, talk of the town, word of mouth

Oh come on… we’re all guilty of it. Leaning in to hear a juicy tidbit, that may or may not be true, then letting it cloud our judgment when we form our opinion. It’s not right and it’s certainly not nice, and it comes in all forms!  It invades our thought processes. It colors the impression of  the person you’re sitting next to… even decides what kind of orange juice to buy at the grocery store.

I say throw it out.. get rid of it! Hear the whole truth and then put on those moccasins and walk in them. You never know, you might gain a whole new perspective on a few things. I’m not pointing fingers…. just that little voice in all of us… just something I’ve been thinking about when it comes to resolutions…I mean, beside exercise!

Antonyms: Evidence, proof, reality, testimony, truth, quiet, silence

Make your resolution before someone makes it for you!