
Ruby Rue was beautiful of heart
Though her outward appearance gave town folks a start

Her dreams of a suitor had not yet come true
With just internal beauty, what’s a poor hag to do?

So she consulted her Grimoire and found a grand hex
She enchanted a stone and hung it round her neck

Then she squealed to the mirror “Why Ruby… You’re hot!”
But her stone, it was faulty, for to others… she was not!

The lesson to garner, so you won’t be alone…
Keep your hope in your heart and not in a stone.


Roberta Baird

Lady Griselda

Lady Griselda looked at the date
“Good heavens!” she said
“I’m running quite late!”

“The Coveny Sisters have already started!”
So she packed up her tools
and quickly departed.

And just for good measure she mixed up some dust
Then she sprinkled her broom
Chanting “Salem or bust!”

Roberta Baird


A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships. ~Victoria Secunda

Happy Mother’s Day